Strategic Transmission Corridors (EGI)

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On the 16 February 2018 Minister Edna Molewa published Government Notice No. 113 in Government Gazette No. 41445 which identified 5 strategic transmission corridors important for the planning of electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure as well as procedure to be followed when applying for environmental authorisation for electricity transmission and distribution expansion when occurring in these corridors. 
In March 2019, a generic environmental management programme (EMPr) relevant to an application for environmental authorisation for substations and overhead transmission and distribution electricity transmission infrastructure was published in Government Notice No. 435 in Government Gazette No, 42323. The EMPr is relevant to substations or overhead transmission and distribution infrastructure when developed within or outside of the strategic transmission corridors. 
On 29 April 2021, Minister Barbara Dallas Creecy published Government Notice No. 383 in Government Gazette No. 44504, which expanded the eastern and western transmission corridors and gave notice of the applicability of the application procedures identified in Government Notice No. 113, to these expanded corridors.
The transmission corridors and their expansion were identified through the undertaking of 2 strategic environmental assessments as was the development of the generic EMPr for substations and overhead powerlines. The first strategic environmental assessment was finalised in 2016 and second in 2019. 

Downloadable data:

Transmission Corridors and Expansions Corridors Shapefiles, which contains spatial data for the Strategic Transmission Corridors, assosiated with the REDZs.

Click on the Downloads Tab.

Note: Registration / sign in is required to download the data.


Downloadable documents:

The relevant Government Gazettes, the final strategic environmental assessment reports and the “comments and responses document” which captures all of the comments received on the Ministers notification of the intention to gazette the expanded corridors and the Departments response, are available by clicking on the link under the heading “Document”.


Documents Description Format File Size
Government Gazette

GG 50417 notice no. 4586 of 28 March 2024

Consultation of the intension to adopt a Standard for the Development and Expansion of Electricity Transmission and Distribution Power Line Infrustructure and to exclude this infrustructure from the requirement to obtain Env. Authorisation as well as to repeal this standard for the development and expansion of Powerlines and Substations within identified Geographical Areas and the exclusion based on this standard, published under government notice no. 2313 in Govt Gazette no. 47095 of 27 July 2022.

Pdf 391Kb

Standard for the Development and Expansion of Powerlines and Substations, Revision 4 of February 2024

Document - REVISION 4, February 2024

Standard for the Development and Expansion of Power Lines and Substations within Identified Geographical Areas.



Government Gazette

GG 47095 notice no. 2313 of 27 July 2022

Notice on the Adoption of the Standard for the Development and Expansion of Power Lines and Substations within Identified Geographical Areas and the Exclusion of this Infrastructure from the Requirement to obtain Environmental Authorisation.



Standard for the Development and Expansion of Powerlines and Substations, Revision 2 of June 2022

Document - REVISION 2, June 2022

Standard for the Development and Expansion of Power Lines and Substations within Identified Geographical Areas.



Government Gazette

GG 46209 notice no. 2002 of 7 April 2022

National Environmental Management Act (107/1998): Consultation on the Intention to Adopt a Standard for the Development and Expansion of Power Lines and Substations within Identified Geographical Areas and the Exclusion of this Infrastructure from the Requirement to obtain Environmental Authorisation.



Standard for Powerlines and Substation Development, Revision 1 of August 2021

Document - REVISION 1, August 2021

Standard for the Development of Power Lines and Substations within Identified Geographical Areas.



Government Gazette

GG 44504 notice no. 383 of 29 April 2021

Expanded Strategic Transmission Corridors and procedures.



Signed Map, 2021

GG 44504 notice no. 383 of 29 April 2021

Appendix 1 Map - Strategic Transmission Corridors with Expansions.



External CRR

External comments on REDZs and procedures in the REDZs, Gas Corridors and EMPr EGI Corridors and Standard



Government Gazette

GG 42323 Notice no. 435 of 22 March 2019

Generic Environmental Management Programme Substations and Overhead Powerlines.



Government Gazette

GG 41445 Notice no. 113 of 16 February 2018, pages 88-91

Strategic Transmission Corridors and procedures.



EGI Expansion Corridors

Expanded Western and Eastern Corridors



Printable Map, 2021

Map with Strategic Transmission Corridors and Expansions



SEA Report,  2016

Strategic Environmental Assessment for Electricity Grid Infrastructure in SA, 2016.



SEA Report, 2019

SEA for Expansion of Electricity Grid Infrastructure in SA, December 2019.



Government Gazette, 2019

GG 42323 Notice no. 435 of 22 March 2019

Generic Environmental Management Programme for Substations and Overhead Powerlines.

