Our objectives / purpose:
To provide a one-stop portal/entry point for Environmental Geospatial data and products, maintained and updated by the DFFE as per strategic responsibilities;
Provide Geo-referenced environmental data sets for projects with a specific focus and for which DFFE act as custodian;
To create map services/viewers and make them publicly available.
To provide this services to the Department’s national and international environmental and sustainable development mandates.
Area of Support | |
PACA Queries | PACA-Queries@environment.gov.za |
National Web Based Environmental Screening Tool | screening@environment.gov.za |
Oceans and Coast Queries | LWilliams@dffe.gov.za |
DFFE GIS Day | GISday@environment.gov.za |
E-GIS Website support | LPretorius2@dffe.gov.za |
The Environmental Spatial Information Team:
Name | Designation | GIS Functions | Landline | |
Marlanie Moodley | Director: EGIM | Director: Spatial Information Management (SIM) | 012 399 8916 | MMoodley@dffe.gov.za |
Deon Marais | Chief GIS Professional | GIS Systems Management and ArcGIS Software | 012 399 9295 | Dmarais@dffe.gov.za |
Zakariyyaa Oumar | Chief GIS Professional | GIS Operations and Data Management | 012 399 9293 | ZOumar@dffe.gov.za |
Lisa Pretorius | Architect Production | GIS Systems; EGIS website | 012 399 9301 | Lpretorius2@dffe.gov.za |
Cecily vd Berg
GIS Professional |
GIS Cartography; GIS Day and GIS Forum
012 399 8849 | CVDBerg2@dffe.gov.za |
Lenette Tshikovhi
Control GIS Technician |
Data Maintenance and Distribution
Protected & Conservation Areas data
012 339 9298 | LTshikovhi@dffe.gov.za |
Kabelo Mhlanga
GIS Technician |
Data Maintenance;
Renewable Energy
012 339 9297 | KMoatlhodi@dffe.gov.za |
Christopher Thela
GIS Technician | Data Maintenance | 012 339 9296 | CThela@dffe.gov.za |